A drop of sweat stationed on my forehead rolls down. Amid all the cheering and noise I hear the breeze and my rapidly beating heart. I feel weak in the knees. My palms are sweaty. I sit down for a moment to calm myself. Its my turn now. I am harnessed to the rope, the thickness of which seems inadequate to hold my weight. Nevertheless, I try to concentrate the on the task at hand. The instructor yells away instructions which I register only partially.
I walk down the slanted ledge. "Step on the pipe", the instructor yells. I release a little rope and station my step on the pipe at the end of the ledge. " Now, take a small step", he yells again. He must be crazy, I think. I take a small step only to slip. I hang from a rope 80 feet above the ground, my heart racing, my muscle tense and my mind turbulent. Somehow, I gather myself and my posture on the rope. A dash of adrenaline hits me and rappelling smoothly down the 80 feet wall I come.
That felt nice, I say to myself and climb up the four storeys to try again. This time again I am a little nervous though perceptibly lesser than my first attempt. The instructor smiles and checks my gear and goes through the routine. I position myself on the ledge carefully, taking sure, small steps. My heart races again but this time out of excitement. I smile and take the plunge. Three leaps and I touch the ground. I look up and stare at the 80 foot monolith of a structure. It still stands high, but conquered.