Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Haunting

It haunts me. I squirm inside.

It is often hard to not compare yourself with your contemporaries. She has a fancy job; he is at a fancy university. You seem stuck in limbo. But then you console yourself. Others think you have an awesome life and a good job. Your boss thinks highly of you, some of your colleagues think you are prodigious. You are able to speak to a God of Economics, hold his attention and even tell him something which he did not already know. Of, course this should make you happy. Should it?

You stand before the mirror before you go to bed. You ponder for a moment and try to shut out the noises in your head. It yells at you – Judge yourself not by comparing yourself with others but with the difference between who you are and who you can be. Much chaos happens in my head. What if I am unable to close the gap? I tell the man in the mirror- “I spoke to God”. The man in the mirror smirks. A wry smile covers his face. He retorts – “Others may think that you are good, God may like what you have said, but where is your work? Where is your ORIGINAL WORK?"

I squirm inside. 


Unknown said...

A moment caught too well. Keep it up.

oof ya! said...

you crazy, crazy kid. calm down and concentrate on achieving your dreams. you will be successful because i say so. and i am your boss so don't argue >:D<

Tanu Goyal said...

nice piece Anand :) enjoyed reading it!

Shishir said...

Nicely written Anand...and I can relate to the feeling..not exactly but similar. I would like to give you a couple of views here -

Just like you can judge yourself from what you are and what you could be...you could also reflect on where you were and what you are now? :)

And secondly, as much as you might squirm inside...do not ever take it negatively or be bothered about it! The very fact you are feeling this way is a reflection that there is something inside you which burns for something more...many would just be contented with what they (may be rightly so!)..but you are different...meant to do something more....and therefore the squirm....cherish it..give way..let it turn into a tsunami...and then you shall have that...the ORIGINAL WORK!