Thursday, November 5, 2009

A Letter to Like

Dear Like,

I am sure that this letter of mine finds you in the pink of health. It has been long time since I had written to you last (2866 years to be exact) so I decided to write. I also write to you to bring to your notice that you are becoming increasingly omnipresent in the language of my species.

Although, I like you a lot Like I must point out to you that your overt and off late annoying presence is getting to me. Like, you know what I mean. Like you are becoming annoying like you are present after every word, like after nouns, verbs, adjectives, everywhere. Like you get what I mean right. You presence as a filler, like, is bothersome. I fear for the language of my kind. Like I am scared that it may be the situation soon that a majority of our sentences begin and end with you like. Like you will be everywhere.

Thus, I must take this opportunity like, to tell you that you have to stop becoming omnipresent and hence annoying. Prey, I beg you not to dislike me for disliking you. It is only the law of diminishing marginal utility that is operating here and I am a mere pawn in the game. I will like you more again if you begin to show yourself less and less. (Over exposure is never good).

I sincerely hope that you have understood,like, what I mean Like and will take it in the right earnest. Like, you will not feel bad or whatever as what ever I have said is only for your good and the good of our language.
Yours Truly,


nidhi said...'re one pissed off dude! :D

Somya Sethuraman said...

oh no!!!!! I am not sure what I am supposed to say. You cannot like Like my dear friend. Wait till Like starts liking you. And you cannot less like or more like Like. It's either mutual between you and Like, both like each other. Or there is no mutual liking at all.

arpita said...
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Vaishnavi Prathap said...

Agreed! Like is just like.. whatever.

(Btw- commented!! :P )

revati said...

Like I said...I like it....

riddhiculous said...

like I don't know what it is to like.. But I like the way you took what you did not like in like..
Good . a good lesson for the likes...
very innovative..

oof ya! said...

good stuff. truly.

Pallavi said...

like i said..... i love it.. :P

Pallavi said...

like i said.. i love it

Richa said...

Heyy count me in.. She is rather omnipresent in my lang too. But despite myself, im rather grateful to her. The bugger has been there when needed most, aiding me in my lingual flow